The Rainbow Identity Initiative is a non-profit organization which offers proven, cutting-edge mindset, emotional, and physical techniques for the LBGTQi+ community to help empower their own inner strength and resilience.
Sometimes we all get lost and just need a helping hand to point us in the right direction.
We are constantly developing and adding to our tool sets to help and work with the community. See some of our offerings below.
Join others to celebrate your accomplishments and share in the struggle facing the community today!
Learn about science-based methods and updates on how to level up your mindset, emotional iq, and physical health!
Join us for interviews of industry and community leaders talking about topics that directly impact the community.
Jamie S.
After one of the worst years of his life, Theo realized if things were going to get better, he would have to make the difficult choice of starting to face his fears. After starting down the path of personal growth and development, Theo fell in love with it - seeing what it did for him and could do for others. His natural passion for helping others is now an outlet to helping his Rainbow Community - one made up of the most "beautiful and resilient people".
Knowledge is power - but only if someone can access and understand it. Rainbow Identity Initiative is dedicated to helping the community grow by better understanding their own identity, history, wounding, strengths and potential. None of us are broken, yet so many feel that way. We simply need the tools to put the pieces back together. By bringing the latest and most effective tools, techniques, and technology to the community, we will learn to empower ourselves and shine like never before!
To increase the quality of lives within the Rainbow Community by providing access to the highest quality tools, techniques, and technology that is proven to empower and increase their inner strength and empowerment.
©2023 Rainbow Identity Initiative, Inc. All Rights Reserved
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with EIN 92-2720487 which trains the Rainbow Community with the highest quality tools, techniques, and technology to empower and improve their lives.